E-Signature Confirmation
Here is how you can have your users confirm asset checkout with their signature.
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Here is how you can have your users confirm asset checkout with their signature.
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Go into your dashboard settings using the cog next to Asset Management.
Toggle both EULA and e-signature features on.
Follow EULA set up instructions for your asset confirmation.
Start checking out assets to users.
Your users will get a confirmation email after assets are checked out under "Pending Checkout". This email will take 10-15 minutes to send in order to compile all assets being checked out to that user into a single email.
They will then need to sign using the box at the bottom of the page before confirming the checkout.
Once the checkout is confirmed, they get a confirmation prompt and can close out the window.
You can then view all signatures for that asset by going to "Assets" searching the asset and clicking the view more arrow. Click on EULA History for current and past checkouts.
The user will click the open link and will be brought to their confirmation page.